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Board Recert

Pharmacotherapy Specialty Review Course for Recertification + RECERT EXAMS Package (Cert # L249008)

This online course provides BCPS recertification credit. With this course, get comprehensive, practical guidance, with a variety of complex cases, including references for further study.
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Recorded Pharmacist Educational Series: Platelet Factor 4

Since the Biomarkers 101 intro presentation, the FDA and NIH Biomarker Working Group has updated their original 2018 BEST Resource. The new BEST Resource was released in 2021. This will discuss Platelet Factor 4 which has several roles for applicability, limitations, and emerging areas for use.
REPS acpe topic 01 (disease st mgmt/drug therapy)
Prof. Certificate

Emergency Medicine Certificate

This self-guided program is designed for participants to increase the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to provide optimal patient care in the emergency department.
emergency medicine
Prof. Certificate

Investigational Drug Service Certificate

THIS IS AVAILABLE FOR PRE-SALE. This professional certificate is designed for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who would like to grow their knowledge and skills in investigational drug service.
professional development quality assurance
Prof. Certificate

Drug Diversion Certificate

THIS IS AVAILABLE FOR PRE-SALE. The Drug Diversion Certificate is intended to educate healthcare professionals and others involved in drug diversion prevention efforts in healthcare facilities.
controlled substances/diversion
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

2024 Vaccine Updates

This activity will focus on key vaccine updates from the CDC for 2024.
ambulatory care acpe topic 06 (immunizations) infection prevention
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week 2024: Penicillin Allergy Delabeling as a Tool for Inpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Real-World Experience

CDC experts and partners discuss real-world programs to delabel penicillin allergies, including validation of risk assessments, the creation of hospital-based workflows, and the observed effects of delabeling.
acpe topic 01 (disease st mgmt/drug therapy)
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Mastering Maternity Part 2: Navigating Obstetric Care for Common Complications

This activity will provide a comprehensive approach to managing obstetric patients by highlighting the unique physiology, evolving demographics, and health trends in this population.
women's health acpe topic 01 (disease st mgmt/drug therapy)
Board Recert

Infectious Diseases Self-Assessment Program (IDSAP) Book 2: Infections in Special Populations (Cert # L249251)

This Self-Assessment Program series provides infectious diseases pharmacists with pertinent therapeutic updates to enhance their practice skills and improve patient outcomes.
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member Free

Opioid REMS Education: A Guide for the Interprofessional Team in Achieving Comprehensive Pain Management

This 2.0-hour online educational activity is highly relevant to pharmacists who frequently practice as part of the interprofessional team in treating patients with pain. Pharmacists will become familiar with the FDA’s Opioid Analgesic Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS).
ACCME controlled substances acpe topic 08 (pain management)