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Pharmacy Technician Activities

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Found 67
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Prof. Certificate

Medication Safety Certificate

A self-guided, interprofessional online learning activity designed to build and enhance the knowledge and skills of those leading improvements in cultures of safety and safe medication use systems.
career/prof. development acpe topic 05 (pt. safety) leadership/management
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member Free

Results from the 2023 ASHP National Survey of Hospital Pharmacy Practice: Key Trends in Health-System Pharmacy Practice

The authors of the 2023 National Survey discuss its results and what they mean for health-system pharmacy
acpe topic 04 (pharmacy admin)
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member Free

Frontline Conversations: Targeting Compliance Gaps with USP Chapter <797>

This online educational activity is a Frontline Conversation with a focus on questions related to USP <797> with faculty experts for any size facility. Questions discussed were pre-submitted by learners or those asked during the live session.
pharmacy technicians
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member Free

Frontline Conversations: Enhancing Compliance with USP Chapter <797> in Small and Rural Hospitals

This online educational activity is a Frontline Conversation with a focus on small and rural hospitals with faculty experts. Questions discussed were pre-submitted by learners or those asked during the live session.
pharmacy technicians
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Best Practices for Data Visualization

This activity will focus on the best practices used for data visualization from a clinical, operations, and research point of view in pharmacy.
informatics/technology pharmacy technicians
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Leveraging Technology to Improve Allergy Documentation

This activity will focus on strategies to leverage and optimize technology to advance patient safety through improved allergy documentation.
oncology pharmacy technicians acpe topic 05 (pt. safety)
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Generative AI: Impact on Administrative Functions

This podcast will focus on how generative artificial intelligence (AI) impacts administrative aspects of pharmacy practice. We will focus on current technologies and future applications of generative AI in this space.
acpe topic 04 (pharmacy admin) pharmacy technicians
Prof. Certificate

Pharmacy Accreditation & Regulatory Compliance Certificate

The Pharmacy Accreditation & Regulatory Compliance Certificate is intended for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who have an interest in learning more about pharmacy accreditation standards as well as pharmacy regulations and compliance.
quality assurance acpe topic 04 (pharmacy admin) controlled substances/diversion pharmacy technicians
Prof. Certificate

Practical Training in Compounding Sterile Preparations Certificate

This activity is intended for pharmacy technicians pursuing the PTCB's Compounded Sterile Preparation Technician (CSPT©) Certification and pharmacists who are interested in learning more about compounding sterile preparations.
pharmacy technicians career/prof. development acpe topic 07 (compounding)
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Talk Saves Lives: Suicide Prevention for Workplace Settings

This activity will focus on the intricacies and scope of suicide and review key research findings on risk factors and warning signs for suicide, along with recommendations for suicide prevention.
pharmacy technicians Wellbeing and Resilience