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Accelerating Implementation of Pharmacogenomics to Improve Patient Health

Learn about a new offering and initiative from ASHP and the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy that seeks to advance pharmacogenomics at hospitals and health systems through a Pharmacogenomics Accelerator™ model.
clinical pharmacy practice pharmacotherapy
Online Program
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Non-Race-Based eGFR Equations: Implications for Medication-Related Decision Making

These activities will focus on tangible actions that practitioners can take to incorporate non-race-based eGFR equations into practice, use these equations to inform medication-related decision making, and reduce medication-related health disparities in patients with chronic kidney disease.
ambulatory care acpe topic 01 (disease st mgmt/drug therapy)
Online Program
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Non-Member N/A

Pharmacoeconomics Primer

This activity introduces health economic and outcomes research (HEOR) concepts to help participants when evaluating products for Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee review.
acpe topic 04 (pharmacy admin) pharmacotherapy
Online Program
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Non-Member N/A

Criteria-Based Feedback For Residents: Review of Standard 3.4c

There is no CE with this activity. This activity will focus on ASHP’s most frequently cited standard on criteria-based feedback, PGY1 standard 3.4.c./ PGY2 3.4.d
residents preceptors
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Dos and Don’ts of DOACs in Pediatrics

This 1-hour webinar will provide up-to-date information on the use of DOACs in pediatric patients, including available dosage forms, and evaluate the literature regarding the FDA-approved indications.
pediatrics acpe topic 01 (disease st mgmt/drug therapy)
Online Program
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Non-Member N/A

Quality Measurement for Health-System Specialty Pharmacy Practice: Current and Future Trends

This activity will focus on exploring the measure development process, reviewing new and upcoming health-system specialty pharmacy measures related to value-based care, and outlining measurement evaluation strategies prior to and following implementation.
quality assurance acpe topic 04 (pharmacy admin) specialty pharmacy
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Quality Measurement for Community Pharmacy Practice: Current and Future Trends

This activity will focus on exploring the measure development process, reviewing new and upcoming measures related to value-based, pharmacist-provided care, and outlining measurement evaluation strategies prior to and following implementation.
ambulatory care quality assurance acpe topic 04 (pharmacy admin)
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Alternatives to Opioids (ALTO)

This podcast is focused on describing the management of acute and chronic pain conditions with opioid sparing modalities and analgesic optimization.
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Opioid De-escalation: Are We Exceeding the Speed Limit?

This podcast will highlight the process for opioid tapering based on length of opioid therapy and potential harm from opioid use.
acpe topic 01 (disease st mgmt/drug therapy)
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

A Compassionate Approach to Acute Opioid Withdrawal

Harms from opioid misuse continue despite significant attention to this public health crisis. Numerous methods exist to palliate withdrawal symptoms and improve the likelihood a patient who uses opioids may achieve long term recovery.
drug management