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Optimizing Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Management - Perspectives from Health-System Leaders

This activity will help you stay at the forefront of pharmaceutical cold chain management practices and evolving medicines requiring ultra-cold temperature storage to ensure that your pharmacy delivers safe and effective medications to your patients now and in the future.
quality assurance specialty pharmacy leadership/management
Board Review

Solid Organ Transplantation Pharmacy Specialty Review Course and Practice Exam (No Recert Credit) (Cert # L239246)

This online Solid Organ Transplantation Pharmacy Specialty Review Course and Practice Exam package will help you prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialty examination. With this course, get comprehensive, practical guidance, with a variety of complex cases, including references for further study.
Board Review

Critical Care Pharmacy Review Course and Practice Exam Package (No Recert Credit) (Cert # L239332)

This online Specialty Review Course and Practice Exam package will help you prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialty (BPS) examination. With this course, get comprehensive, practical guidance, with a variety of complex cases, including references for further study.
acute/critical care
Board Review

Geriatric Pharmacy Specialty Review Course, Workbook Chapters, and PRACTICE EXAM: (No Recert Credit) (Cert # L239127)

This online Specialty Review Course, Workbook, and Practice Exam package will help you prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialty (BPS) examination. With this course, get comprehensive, practical guidance, with a variety of complex cases, including references for further study.
Board Review

Critical Care Pharmacy Specialty Review Course PRACTICE EXAM (NO CE/Recert Credit) (Cert # L239331)

The online practice exam is a compilation of questions to help you prepare for the pharmacy specialty board examination. With this practice exam you can download the correct answers and link to the reference source, and domains, tasks, and knowledge statements.
acute/critical care
Board Review

Geriatric Pharmacy Specialty Review Course PRACTICE EXAM (NO CE/Recert Credit) - (Cert # L239126)

The online practice exam is a compilation of questions to help you prepare for the pharmacy specialty board examination. With this practice exam you can download the correct answers and link to the reference source, and domains, tasks, and knowledge statements.
Board Review

Pediatric Pharmacy Specialty Review Course PRACTICE EXAM (NO CE/Recert Credit) (Cert # L239304)

The online practice exam is a compilation of questions to help you prepare for the pharmacy specialty board examination. With this practice exam you can download the correct answers and link to the reference source, and domains, tasks, and knowledge statements.
Board Recert

Oncology Pharmacy Specialty Home Study Syllabus for Recertification: Module 2A-B (Cert # L239239)

This course is a collection of journal articles that focus on advances across the oncology specialty practice domains. It is a series of current articles from the primary oncology literature.
Online Program

Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Training Program

This self-paced, online training program is designed for pharmacists, physicians, and other advanced healthcare professionals responsible for or interested in managing patient care associated with medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD).
ACCME controlled substances acpe topic 08 (pain management)
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Gene Therapy in Sickle Cell Disease

This activity will focus on the landscape of emerging gene therapy options for patients with sickle cell disease, with a focus on clinical and economic considerations.