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Board Recert

Pediatric Pharmacy Specialty Review Course for Recertification + RECERT EXAMS Package (Cert # L239306)

This online course provides BCPPS recertification credit. With this course, get comprehensive, practical guidance, with a variety of complex cases, including references for further study.
Board Review

Pediatric Pharmacy Review Course and Practice Exam Package (No Recert Credit) (Cert # L239305)

This online Specialty Review Course, Practice Exam, and Core Therapeutic Modules package will help you prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialty (BPS) examination. With this course, get comprehensive, practical guidance, with a variety of complex cases, including references for further study.
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Measuring Metrics that Matter: A Look at Specialty Pharmacy Clinical Dashboards in Hepatitis C and Multiple Sclerosis

This activity will focus on the utility of clinical outcomes in specialty pharmacy. We will share the two sample clinical outcome dashboards developed by the Outcomes and Value SAG within two specialty disease states – hepatitis C virus and multiple sclerosis.
clinical pharmacy practice specialty pharmacy acpe topic 01 (disease st mgmt/drug therapy)
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Best Practices for Data Visualization

This activity will focus on the best practices used for data visualization from a clinical, operations, and research point of view in pharmacy.
informatics/technology pharmacy technicians
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Leveraging Technology to Improve Allergy Documentation

This activity will focus on strategies to leverage and optimize technology to advance patient safety through improved allergy documentation.
oncology pharmacy technicians acpe topic 05 (pt. safety)
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Generative AI: Impact on Administrative Functions

This podcast will focus on how generative artificial intelligence (AI) impacts administrative aspects of pharmacy practice. We will focus on current technologies and future applications of generative AI in this space.
acpe topic 04 (pharmacy admin) pharmacy technicians
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member Free

Office Hours Roundtable: Enhancing Care for Special Patient Populations in the Shadow of the COVID-19 Pandemic

This session followed a webinar: COVID-19 Now and Beyond: Where Do We Go From Here? The webinar provided updates on the pharmacist’s role in COVID therapies including special patient populations, review new/emerging therapy, and potential implications of access to COVID vaccines/therapies.
infectious diseases
Board Review

Cardiology Pharmacy Specialty Review Course, Workbook Chapters, and Practice Exam (No Recert Credit) (Cert # L249167)

This online Specialty Review Course, workbook chapters, and practice exam package will help you prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialty (BPS) examination. With this course, get comprehensive, practical guidance, with a variety of complex cases, including references for further study.
Board Review

Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Specialty Review Course, Workbook Chapters and Practice Exam Package (No Recert Credit) (Cert # L249067)

This online Specialty Review Course and Practice Exam package will help you prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialty (BPS) examination. With this course, get comprehensive, practical guidance, with a variety of complex cases, including references for further study.
Board Review

Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Specialty Review Course PRACTICE EXAM (NO CE/Recert Credit) (Cert # L249066)

The online practice exam is a compilation of questions to help you prepare for the pharmacy specialty board examination. With this practice exam you can download the correct answers and link to the reference source, and domains, tasks, and knowledge statements.
infectious diseases