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Available Until 3/24/2025

Candid Conversations – Exploring a Culture of Inclusion for Student Pharmacist Applicants

Content Release Date: 3/24/2022
Expiration Date: 3/24/2025
Activity Type: Knowledge-based
CE Credits: NONE
Activity Fee: Free

Activity Overview

In this webinar, a panel of students will discuss their experience as school and college of pharmacy applicants who identify as black, indigenous, and people of color. The conversation will help attendees identify elements that help create an inclusive environment for all current and future pharmacy students.   

Learning Objectives

After completing this activity, the learner should be able to… 

  • Explore the interviewing experiences of diverse student pharmacy candidates  

  • Identify characteristics that make the application and interviewing processes inclusive for BIPOC candidates 

  • Identify behaviors and environmental factors that suppress diversity and inclusion for BIPOC candidates 

  • Describe programs and activities that allow diverse candidates to feel included, supported, and represented 


Crystal Bussey 
PharmD Candidate 2022  
University of Houston College of Pharmacy  
Houston, TX  

Aliyah Cruz 
PharmD Candidate 2022 
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy 
Chapel Hill, NC

Nathaniel Oppong 
PharmD Candidate 2023  
Howard University College of Pharmacy  
Washington D.C.

Jaicha Valerio
PharmD Candidate 2023
Temple University School of Pharmacy
Philadelphia, PA


Kari Taggart, PharmD, BCCCP  
Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice   
South Dakota State University   
College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions