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Available Until 10/21/2027

Pick Me! Writing a Letter of Intent that Stands Out

CE Credits: NONE
Activity Fee: Free

Activity Overview

Are you struggling to write a letter of intent that says "Pick me!"? This session will be an active, hands on learning experience where we will review actual letters of intent that have been submitted: one excellent, one well written but vague, and one with a different focus than what the program offers. This session will provide practical tips on where to start with writing a letter and how to make it stand out among the crowd.

Learning Objectives

After completing this activity, the learner should be able to…

  • Discuss what a letter of intent is and what programs are looking for in a letter of intent.
  • Discuss why a good letter of intent is important.
  • Review recommendations on how to write a good letter of intent.
  • Analyze example letters of intent.
  • Begin to formulate an outline of what items individual attendees want to include in their letter of intent.


Nick Capote, PharmD, MS, BCSCP
Pharmacy Director, Oncology, Infusion, and Investigational Drug Pharmacy Services
UCSF Health
San Francisco, California, United States