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Available Until 3/27/2027

ASHP PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES℠ Well-Being and Resilience Certificate

Release Date: February 14, 2024
Expiration DateFebruary 14, 2027

ACPE Numbers: Various – see below
Activity Type: Application-based
CE Contact Hour(s): 18.5 contact hours


The Well-Being and Resilience Certificate is self-guided, with online learning activities designed for participants to increase the knowledge and skills necessary to apply strategies for enhancing well-being and resilience in their personal lives and professional practices. The curriculum includes seven learning modules that address core principles associated with burnout in the healthcare workforce, individual resilience strategies, redesigned work system approaches, and cultures to sustain healthcare professional well-being and resilience.

Upon completing all seven learning module activities, participants should be proficient in individual well-being strategies to improve resilience for self and others and apply systems-based and human-centered design principles to transform organizations into cultures of well-being.

Well-Being and Resilience Certificate Requirement 

Once a learner has completed the educational curriculum, they will have the opportunity to complete an online comprehensive exam. Once the learner completes the exam (minimum 80% passing rate; unlimited attempts permitted), they will earn the professional certificate.

ACPE Provider with Commendation logo

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education with Commendation.

The activities are intended for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in healthcare professional well-being and resilience.

Learning Activity

ACPE Number

Contact Hours

Introduction to Healthcare Professional Well-Being and Burnout 

0204-0000-24-713-H04-P & T


Caring for Self and Others: Putting on Your Own Oxygen Mask

0204-0000-24-714-H04-P & T


Using a Systems Approach and Human-Centered Processes to Address Healthcare Professional Burnout

0204-0000-24-715-H04-P & T


Creating Leaders that Become Change-Makers

0204-0000-24-716-H04-P & T


Redesigning the Work System to Prioritize Well-Being

0204-0000-24-717-H04-P & T


Building Inclusive, Safe Cultures that Facilitate Thriving for All

0204-0000-24-718-H04-P & T 


Well-Being and Resilience: Bringing It All Together

0204-0000-24-719-H04-P & T


  →  Final Assessment:(80%passing score required)

Learning Objectives

Introduction to Healthcare Professional Well-Being and Burnout
ACPE: 0204-0000-24-713-H04-P & T

  • Define terminology related to occupational well-being, resilience, and burnout.
  • Identify the connection between occupational burnout and moral injury.
  • Describe the effects and consequences of occupational burnout on healthcare professionals, patients, the U.S. healthcare system, and society.
  • Apply a strategy to assess well-being at the organizational level.
  • List risk factors of burnout in the profession of pharmacy.
  • Describe the impact of burnout in the pharmacy workforce on patient care.
  • Apply objectives from the NAM Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience to the profession of pharmacy.
  • Identify opportunities to improve well-being and resilience in the profession of pharmacy.
  • Use best practices in team-based care to prevent burnout amongst interprofessional colleagues.   

Caring for Self and Others: Putting on Your Own Oxygen Mask
ACPE: 0204-0000-24-714-H04-P & T

  • Summarize Orem’s Theory of Self Care to individual resiliency strategies in the healthcare professional.
  • Design a personalized self-care action plan with strategies to enhance resilience in the healthcare professional.
  • Describe professional joy and how it relates to self-care in the healthcare professional.
  • Design a self-care belief plan that incorporates mindfulness, purpose and gratitude.
  • Recognize challenges to one's personal wellbeing.
  • Select personal and professional development strategies to enhance your sense of wellbeing and resilience.
  • Apply techniques that can strengthen resiliency skills in one’s personal and professional journey.
  • Utilize the PERMA positive psychology approach to enhance individual wellbeing and resilience.
  • Apply habit formation towards personal improvement.
  • Apply strategies to utilize our energy through routine and scheduled practices.
  • Describe the prevalence of mental health problems and chronic diseases in the U.S.
  • Discuss stages of behavior change in individuals.
  • Recognize the role, responsibilities, and impact of wellness champions in an organization.
  • Summarize key components of a successful wellness champion program.
  • Apply evidence-based strategies to improve your own and others’ health and well-being. 

Using a Systems Approach and Human-Centered Processes to Address Healthcare Professional Burnout
ACPE: 0204-0000-24-715-H04-P & T

  • Give examples of how changes in the USA healthcare landscape have increased clinician stress and burnout.
  • Describe the three levels of work system factors that contribute to burnout and professional well‐being.
  • Apply the seven priorities from the National Plan for Health Workforce Well-being toward eliminating clinician‐burnout and enhancing professional well‐being to practice.
  • Discuss different work systems initiatives that healthcare organizations can initiate to decrease burnout and improve professional well‐being.
  • Analyze human-centered approaches to generating ideas for process improvement.
  • Apply principles of human-centered design to the development and implementation of process improvement. 

Creating Leaders that Become Change-Makers
ACPE: 0204-0000-24-716-H04-P & T

  • Describe the relationships between burnout, well-being, and leadership in the workplace.
  • Apply specific elements of coaching practices such as humble inquiry, active listening, and the GROW model to improve well-being and engagement in the workplace.
  • Show value and appreciation to team members to improve well-being and engagement in the workplace.
  • Describe an evidence based rationale for prioritizing healthcare professional wellbeing.
  • Apply leadership behaviors that support healthcare professional wellbeing.
  • Describe an organizational structure supporting an institutional effort to address well-being that can be applied across health care professional disciplines.
  • Recognize the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Wellness Officer (CWO).
  • Evaluate how a Chief Wellness Officer (CWO) can contribute to the well-being of an organization’s workforce both prior to and in the midst of crisis. 

Redesigning the Work System to Prioritize Well-Being
ACPE: 0204-0000-24-717-H04-P & T

  • Identify underlying factors that pose challenges to designing work systems that promote well-being and resilience.
  • Describe strategies to overcome barriers to implementation of a work system centered on well-being and resilience.
  • Identify ways the electronic health record may contribute to clinician burnout.
  • Demonstrate the ability to optimize the electronic health record to effectively reduce burnout.
  • Apply the characteristics of a high-performing team to the healthcare work setting.
  • Assess the impact of participation in a positive, team-based health care environment on clinician well-being.
  • Design an effective plan to systematically address professional burnout in a specific healthcare setting.  

Building Inclusive, Safe Cultures that Facilitate Thriving for All
ACPE: 0204-0000-24-718-H04-P & T

  • Describe internal and external key stakeholders when establishing a billable pharmacy service.
  • Define incident-to requirements in physician-based and hospital-based clinics.
  • Apply evaluation and management CPT code billing rules in patient cases.
  • Explain requirements for facility fee billing.
  • Apply billing rules and opportunities to various case settings. 

Well-Being and Resilience: Bringing It All Together
ACPE: 0204-0000-24-719-H04-P & T

  • Identify a well-being challenge within the local organization.
  • Assess steps to collaborate and address the well-being challenge.
  • Create a plan for action to address threats to well-being within the organization.

Bryant Adibe, MD
System Vice President, Chief Wellness Officer
Rush University System for Health
Chicago, Illinois 

M. Lynn Crismon, Pharm.D., FCCP, DABCP, BCPP
Dean Emeritus & Behrens Centennial Professor Emeritus of Pharmacy & Professor of Psychiatry
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 

Anna Legreid Dopp, PharmD, CPHQ
Senior Director, Government Relations
Office of Government Relations
Bethesda, Maryland 

Tara T. Feller, PharmD, MBA, MPH, BCPS
Clinical Pharmacy Manager
Froedtert and The Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 

Seena L. Haines, Pharm.D., CHWC, BCACP, FASHP, FAPhA, FCCP, FNAP
Professor and Department Chair
University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy
University, Mississippi

Sharon C. Kiely, MD, MPM, FACP
VP, Chief Wellness Officer & Associate Chief Medical Officer
Hartford HealthCare
Hartford, Connecticut 

Christina Y. Martin, Pharm.D., M.S., CAE, RYT
Section Chief, IVAU
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
Bethesda, Maryland

Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN
Vice President for Health Promotion, University Chief Wellness Officer
Dean and Helene Fuld Health Trust Professor of Evidence-Based Practice, College of Nursing
Professor of Pediatrics & Psychiatry, College of Medicine
Executive Director, The Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for EBP
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio 

Assistant Professor, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Nursing
Bethesda, Maryland 

Lt Col Regina D. Owen, DNP, PMHNP-BC, USAF, NC
Program Director/Chair, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Nursing
Bethesda, Maryland 

Lauren Peccoralo, MD, MPH
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Well-Being and Development
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, New York 

Jonathan Ripp, MD, MPH
Dean of Well-Being and Resilience and Chief Wellness Officer
Mount Sinai Health System and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, New York 

Javeed Sukhera, MD, PhD, DABPN, FRCPC
Associate Professor, Departments of Psychiatry / Paediatrics
Scientist, Centre for Education Research and Innovation
Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
Western University
London, ON, Canada 

Elizabeth Wade, PharmD, CPPS, FASHP
Patient Safety Officer
Amazon Pharmacy
Manchester, New Hampshire 

Molly Wascher, PharmD, MBA, BCPS 
Senior Clinical Programs Manager, Specialty Pharmacy
Johns Hopkins Care at Home
Baltimore, Maryland

In accordance with our accreditor’s Standards of Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education, ASHP requires that all individuals in control of content disclose all financial relationships with ineligible companies. An individual has a relevant financial relationship if they have had a financial relationship with ineligible company in any dollar amount in the past 24 months and the educational content that the individual controls is related to the business lines or products of the ineligible company.

An ineligible company is any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients. The presence or absence of relevant financial relationships will be disclosed to the activity audience. 

  •          No one in control of the content of this activity has a relevant financial relationship (RFR) with an ineligible company.

As defined by the Standards of Integrity and Independence definition of ineligible company. All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated prior to the CPE activity.


Each activity consists of audio, video, and/or PDFs and evaluations. Learners must review all content and complete the evaluations to receive continuing pharmacy education credit for each activity. 

Follow the prompts to claim, view, or print the statement of credit within 60 days after completing the activity. 

Important Note – ACPE 60 Day Deadline: 

Per ACPE requirements, CPE credit must be claimed within 60 days of being earned. To verify that you have completed the required steps and to ensure your credits have been reported to CPE Monitor, check your NABP profile account to validate that your credits were transferred successfully before the ACPE 60-day deadline. After the 60-day deadline, ASHP will no longer be able to award credit for this activity.

The ASHP PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES℠ educational product line contains learning activities that are ACPE-accredited knowledge and application-based continuing education. This is not an ACPE Certificate Program. Upon successful completion of the activities, the learner will be able to download an ASHP Professional Certificate.