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Board Review

Oncology Pharmacy Specialty Review Course and Workbook Chapters (No Recert Credit) (Cert # L249043)

This online specialty review course and package will help you prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialty (BPS) examination. With this course, get comprehensive, practical guidance, with a variety of complex cases, including references for further study.
Board Review

Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Specialty Review Course Workbook (Cert # L249084)

This online Specialty Review Course Workbook will help you prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialty (BPS) examination.
ambulatory care
Board Review

Oncology Pharmacy Specialty Review Course Workbook (Cert # L249042)

This online Specialty Review Course Workbook will help you prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialty (BPS) examination.
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Implementing DEI: A Focus on Precepting, Hiring, and Provision of Patient Care

This activity will provide tips, strategies, and best practices for implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion for precepting, hiring, and providing patient care.
ambulatory care acpe topic 04 (pharmacy admin) leadership/management
Board Review

Pharmacotherapy Review Course and Practice Exam (No Recert Credit) (Cert # L249007)

This online Specialty Review Course and Practice Exam will help you prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialty (BPS) examination. With this course, get comprehensive, practical guidance, with a variety of complex cases, including references for further study.
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member Free

Leveraging Medication-Use Evaluations to Optimize Care: Focus on Andexanet alfa

There is no CE with this activity. This activity will discuss strategies to apply a quality improvement framework to conduct rigorous MUEs at their organization
acute/critical care anticoagulation management
Prof. Certificate

Pain Management Certificate

The Pain Management Certificate is designed for pharmacists to increase the knowledge and skills necessary to provide care to patients with pain.
palliative care acpe topic 08 (pain management)
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Not Just Your Average Ambulatory Care Webinar: How Your AmbCare Team Can Help You (and your patients!)

This activity will focus on the diverse landscape of ambulatory care pharmacy services, focused on practical insights. Panelists will share innovative practices, strategies to improve patient outcomes, and practices to overcome the challenges of implementing ambulatory care services.
ambulatory care acpe topic 04 (pharmacy admin) pharmacy technicians
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member N/A

Actionable Items to Cultivate a Sustainable Workforce

This activity will provide strategies that address shifting toward remote work opportunities, building flexible scheduling models, and prioritizing employee wellness as a strategies for staff retention in the pharmacy workforce.
acpe topic 04 (pharmacy admin) pharmacy technicians Wellbeing and Resilience
Online Program
Member Free
Non-Member Free

Optimizing PARP Inhibitor Outcomes in Cancer Therapy: Focus on Biomarkers of Homologous Recombination Repair

This educational activity will review the science of homologous recombination deficiency and how it contributes to the development of cancer. Approved and expanded indications for the PARP inhibitors will be explained, including evidence for their use based on biomarkers, efficacy, and safety data.
ACCME oncology