Frequently Asked Questions

If you forgot your password, you can request a reset link.

If you can't access that email address anymore or aren't sure which email address you used, please contact Customer Relations at 1-866-279-0861. (Do not create a second, duplicate account, as this prevents you from accessing any history from the original account.)


If you would like to purchase multiple different activities for yourself, simply add all items of interest to your shopping cart. You can checkout and pay for all items at once.

If you would like to purchase multiple quantities of a product (to give to another learner), add the product to your shopping cart. During the checkout process, change the quantity accordingly. Once you've returned to the eLearning site after purchase is complete, you will receive an email with an enrollment code that is valid for that number of redemptions of your product.

The "close date" is listed on the right side of your My Learning Activities page, next to each enrollment. No content can be viewed after this date. You can print copies of claimed credits forever (regardless of close date).

If your enrollment contains an assessment, you can choose whether to complete it all at once or in intervals. If you answer some questions and then exit, your progress is saved. Tests/assessments are not graded until you've answered all required questions and clicked "Submit and Grade Now".

Please visit our certifications site for more assistance, or send an email to

Pharmacists and Technicians who are claiming ACPE credit have only 60 days to claim credit after it is earned. For live activities such as webinars or conferences, the 60 days is calculated from the date of the live activity. For home-study credit such as online recordings, the 60 day countdown begins after you've completed ALL credit prerequisites (such as evaluations, tests, etc.) and the CLAIM button has appeared. Learn more

All pharmacists and technicians must have an NABP ID and PIN in order to claim credit. Your NABP ID was assigned by NABP and your pin is your 4-digit birth date and birth month. (Example: If your birth date is December 17, your pin is 1217.) Learn more

Some tests have a 1-attempt restriction and some do not. Read the description of the product you are enrolled in to be sure.

Please visit for the complete breakdown

Verify that your internet is connected and strong. If you are trying to load a video, make sure your sound is turned up and unmuted. Some hospital or business-based internet connections have stringent security features that block streaming video and other websites. If you suspect this is the case, try loading the content from a non-business computer and internet connection.

Yes, ASHP eLearning will process refunds under the following circumstances:

  • The refund request is made within ten days of the purchase.
  • The request for refund is made in writing to 
  • The learning activity purchased is unused. Any learning activity that has been
    started is not eligible for refund.
  • Refunds will be processed via the original method of payment.

To proceed, please contact Customer Relations at 1-866-279-0681.


